29 October 2008
“Stockholm Kafeteria”
26 October 2008
Chicken & Duck Soup Stock (JPN)
前 回の書き込みから既に一ヶ月以上、当初の宣言通りの見事に三日坊主化。なんだかんだとバタバタしてたここ数週間が過ぎ去り、冬の雨季シーズンに入ったメル ボルン、引きこもり生活が最適な季節となって参りました。って事で市場で買い物して、ゆっくり、ゆっくり時間をかけて料理しようやないかと相方となりまし た。
た ぶん日本ではホールチキン、特に鴨は手に入れにくいかと思いますが、地元の商店街のお肉屋さんやら鶏肉屋さんへ行ったらスープ用の豚骨は安くで売ってるは ず。もしくは“奥の冷蔵庫から鶏丸ごと一羽持ってきてさばいて!”と強行に出ましょう。ロジャーによると“鶏丸ごと扱ってない鶏肉屋があるか!”との事な ので、奥に冷蔵庫らしきものが見えたら迷わず指差して叫ぶのです。
大 きめのお鍋にお水をはって、ぶつ切りにした玉ねぎ、セロリ、にんじん、リーク(西洋ネギだそうです。すんごい太い白ネギみたいな感じで、炒めると玉ねぎみ たいな甘みが。白ネギで代用が効くと思います)、皮付きのままニンニク、生姜、ベイリーブ、黒胡椒の粒、ナツメグの実、そして、用意していた鶏さん、鴨さ んのガラを放りこんで3~4時間煮込みましょう。
Chicken & Duck Soup Stock (ENG)
It’s been more than 1 month since posted last time. As mentioned in the begging, yes I am lazy, can’t stick to anything ! After a couple of busy week for both of us this weekend was really relaxing nice and slow weekend. Specially when it comes with raining, it’s perfect to be home. So we decided to go up the market and cook something slowly then spend quiet night at home.
As beginning Roger started from preparing a soup stock. We bought whole fresh chicken and duck (with head on!!) from the market, probably it’s not easy to find whole chicken, specially duck in Japan, but if you try a local meat shop they should sell pork bones for stock or ask them to chop a whole lot. Of course I don’t know how to open a whole chicken or duck, but thank god! Yes! I have a professional chef at home who easily chops down them. So he took fillets, drum sticks and thighs off, then chopped rest of them for stock. Prepared duck same as chicken
Firstly fill up water in a big pot and add chunky chopped onion, leek, celery, carrot, skin-on ginger, skin-on garlic, bay leave, whole black paper, nutmeg and above chopped meat. Then put on the fire about for 3 or 4 hours. The most important points are 1) remove scum frequently and take all the fat away 2) Keep adding water when reduced.
After slow cooked, rest it for a while then strain it(Of course you can eat the vegetable and meant ! we ate with salt & pepper and olive oil, also used for demiglace sauce).
You will get a clean golden soup stock!
Easiest Snack Ever! (JPN)
Easiest Snack Ever ! (ENG)
Same as previous week, this one week was also crazily busy and it will be from tomorrow too. And Roger has been tired too. Thus we didn't cook a kind of special food for this week, however I prepared some dishes for following week, chicken cakes and frozen it, slow cooked Daikon (white radish) and chicken balls in Chinese flavor soup, and sweet-soy sauce flavor chicken mince. All of them are packed in container and waiting for being finished up easily in following busy week (The photos will be up here next weekend.).
The only food Roger taught me for this week was.......Easiest night snack
"Cauliflower and Budweiser"
,,, That's it !!! (Apology for this slipshod advise...)
According to a long long food study of great Swedish chef, this is easiest and best combination snack, the beer has to be "Budweiser", specially "Bottled Budweiser" !!
At the beginning you may feel like a rabbit to eat fresh cauliflower, but wait until drink up Budweiser! Well, actually it brings a very clear and crisp cauliflower's sweetness.
Try it instead of eating chips in midnight,, definitely healthier for your beer belly !
Hope you will have an another great week.
Pork Neck BBQ & Charred Cabbage w Mashed Sweet Potato (JPN)
" トントロBBQとキャベツのロースト、サツマイモのマッシュ添え"
脂がキレイにのった豚の首肉(Pork Neck)、ネットで調べると世に言う“トントロ”がこの首肉にあたるそうな。豚肉のあっさり加減と脂のバランスが非常にバーベキュー向きです。
豚 肉を2~3cmのスライスにし、塩コショウ。キャベツは芯も残したままでざっくりと切り、ニンニクは一株(?)丸ごと皮も残したままで横から水平に切り、 真っ二つに。全ての材料にオリーブオイルをふりかけ、あとは焼くだけ、それだけ。キャベツは表面が写真の様に焦げるまで、ガーリックは色が何となく透けて くるまでグリルします。キャベツをお皿に盛ったら、最後にホワイトビネガーをたらーり、オリーブオイルをたらーり。←これ、大事です。
写 真には写ってませんが、サイドはサツマイモとかぼちゃのマッシュ、つまりは金時。これはうちの母親のレシピですが相方曰く、“完璧にスウェーデン味”らし い。サツマイモとカボチャを茹でて(もしくは蒸すかレンジか)、ざっくり潰してバターと砂糖を入れて混ぜるだけ、それだけなのです。クリーミーなのが好き な方はしっかりマッシュして牛乳を少し入れてもイイかもしれません。クリームを入れるとリッチな味にはなりますが重たい口当たりなって、個人的にはお勧め しません。風味を足したいならバター少し多めがエエのかも。
こ の甘みと塩気のバランスが好きなようなら、スウェーデン化の第一歩!“甘みと酸味”、“甘みと塩気”、苦手は人は苦手かもしれませんが、この組み合わせ、 古典的なスェーデンの食べ合わせです。ポテトチップス食べてたらチョコレート食べたくなるし、おしるこ食べてたら添えてある塩昆布が嬉しいあの感覚なので すよ。一度はまるとクセになるのです。
そ れからキャベツはあまり心配せずに焦がしてしまいましょう。焦がした事によって香ばしい苦味やら、より増した甘みやら驚くほど別の風味が出てきます。ガー リックもしっかり焼くと独特の強い匂いが消えて、グッと甘みが増してもっちりとしたジャガイモのような触感になってきます。
Bon appetit!
Pork Neck BBQ & Charred Cabbage w Mashed Sweet Potato (ENG)
日本語版 JPN Ed.
didn't have time to cook or even didn't have enough time to eat for
this week. My skin started to be really awful since last Wednesday due
to unbalanced food and probably stress as well. So to eat something
proper food I went to my favorite exciting Asian market this morning
after dropping Roger at his work which was busy for Mother's day lunch
So a main dish for today is from the morning shopping, "Pork Neck BBQ & Charred Cabbage w Mashed Sweet potato".(Photo is not that good,, taken after we'd eatten)
I was planning to cook something else, but change to put BBQ on by Roger's request, as result it came a typical Swedish food which is also good with Japanese style steamed rice as usual.
Salt and pepper on 2 cm sliced pork neck stake and put olive oil all over pork, cabbage, half- cut whole garlic (leave skin on). Put everything on BBQ and cook cabbage until surface turn to black and garlic until become clear color. Dress cabbage with white vinegar and olive oil in the end.
For mashed potato, boil Asian(?) sweet potato(skin is purple, inside is white) and pumpkin in water until cooked (you can steam or cook in microwave). mash all together (I prefer chunky) and add butter and sugar. If you like creamy one, you can add milk.
Then Bon appetit!
Try to eat pork, cabbage, garlic, mash all together. If you like "sweet & salty" taste, you are already on the way to Swedish. "sweet & sour" "sweet & salty" may sound funny for some people, but these are significant Swedish flavors, once you start to enjoy it, I bet you that you will be addicted soon.
Also don't worry to overcook cabbage. The charcoal bring another beautiful flavor from sweetness & bitterness, which will notice you how sweet cabbage is and how simple cook is! Garlic also reduce its strong smell and dramatically increase sweetness, texture is like a potato when cooked well.
I'm often amazed by this Roger's simple cook bringing soooo much better taste and the Swedish "sweet & salty" combination.
Hope you will find out too.
Pork Neck BBQ & Charred Cabbage w Mashed Sweet Potato (ENG)
日本語版 JPN Ed.
didn't have time to cook or even didn't have enough time to eat for
this week. My skin started to be really awful since last Wednesday due
to unbalanced food and probably stress as well. So to eat something
proper food I went to my favorite exciting Asian market this morning
after dropping Roger at his work which was busy for Mother's day lunch
So a main dish for today is from the morning shopping, "Pork Neck BBQ & Charred Cabbage w Mashed Sweet potato".(Photo is not that good,, taken after we'd eatten)
I was planning to cook something else, but change to put BBQ on by Roger's request, as result it came a typical Swedish food which is also good with Japanese style steamed rice as usual.
Salt and pepper on 2 cm sliced pork neck stake and put olive oil all over pork, cabbage, half- cut whole garlic (leave skin on). Put everything on BBQ and cook cabbage until surface turn to black and garlic until become clear color. Dress cabbage with white vinegar and olive oil in the end.
For mashed potato, boil Asian(?) sweet potato(skin is purple, inside is white) and pumpkin in water until cooked (you can steam or cook in microwave). mash all together (I prefer chunky) and add butter and sugar. If you like creamy one, you can add milk.
Then Bon appetit!
Try to eat pork, cabbage, garlic, mash all together. If you like "sweet & salty" taste, you are already on the way to Swedish. "sweet & sour" "sweet & salty" may sound funny for some people, but these are significant Swedish flavors, once you start to enjoy it, I bet you that you will be addicted soon.
Also don't worry to overcook cabbage. The charcoal bring another beautiful flavor from sweetness & bitterness, which will notice you how sweet cabbage is and how simple cook is! Garlic also reduce its strong smell and dramatically increase sweetness, texture is like a potato when cooked well.
I'm often amazed by this Roger's simple cook bringing soooo much better taste and the Swedish "sweet & salty" combination.
Hope you will find out too.
Herring w boiled potato & lumpfish roe (JPN)
神 戸に新たに進出したIKEAは数週間で32万人来客とかの盛況ぶりらしく、でもその興奮は分からんでもない。こっちで初めてIKEAを訪れた時はそら感動 やったし、日本人のツボど真ん中やなと感嘆したもんです。今でも、相方ほったらかしてルームデモを一つ一つで遊んでたら余裕で一日潰せるだろうと思う。
『にしんの甘酢漬け ポテトとランプフィッシュで』
ス ウェーデンはニシンを沢山食す文化でして、冬が長いので保存食として酢漬けにしたりする文化が非常に盛んです。そして、この味付けが日本のそれと大変似て います。ただ、木の実やらハーブやら欧州らしい香り付けが日本流と違う点かなーと思います。甘酢は日本のものより(ってか、うちの実家の味より?)ハーブ の加減か甘みが少し強いかもしれません。
それから、ランプフィッシュキャビア(ランプフィッシュの和名が分からず)、キャビアと言いなが ら様はランプフィッシュの卵の塩漬けでめちゃくちゃ安い。一瓶300円くらいです。色はイクラのようなオレンジ色とキャビアの様な黒。味はキャビアと良く 似おり、せこいけど代替品と使われるらしい。
Herring w boiled potato & lumpfish roe (ENG)
IKEA,,IKEA,, ahh! my favorite place!!
To fill up our food storage with lovely pepparkaka (ginger biscuit) which is best bikie I've ever tasted, we went IKEA this afternoon. I guess I can spend whole one day with playing every single room demos and still remember I was sooooo excited the first time visiting there while IKEA launching in Japan was still under plan at the time. In this spring 2nd IKEA Japan was opened in
Anyway the today's one dish is Herring served w boiled potato & lumpfish roe.
Probably this is nothing special for Swedish people, however, grantee the great combination.
Finely chopped red onion, boiled potato w little bit olive oil and pine nuts, lamp fish roe and herring (classic flavor). Dill on top, salt & paper if you want.
It comes really well with beer also Roger mentioned it will be good with a shot of vodka.
Surprisingly Swedish food and Japanese food are really similar from ingredient to cooking process, even storing. As only difference we eat more rice and they eat more potato. So there are so many dishes actually I would love to have rice with. This was also one of it.
You can buy lumpfish roe and herring from IKEA food in very reasonable price. Herring is available in many flavors, should be nice too. To be honest I wantted it with steamed rice.